I think that the Texas Education Agency (TEA) should remove the STAAR exam as well as other high stakes testing. In 2012, the STAAR exam alone cost Texas $89 million dollars. In addition, the annual cost of testing has risen every year. I believe there are many other places in the education system where this money could increase learning. In 2011, the Legislature took $4 billion from the education system’s budget and instead of removing these unnecessary high dollar tests, 900 of the needed faculty and staff were laid off. The benefits to this exam are nowhere near the cost and cuts it has required.
Not only are we wasting money on this exam but the results
show it is not even helping students grow in their knowledge. The exam is a standardized test that focuses
on whether or not Texas students are at the same education level as others both
nationally and internationally. I do not
think standardized tests are a good measurement of one’s amount of knowledge. In
no way is the STAAR exam preparing students for a higher level of education.
Furthermore, it seems to be causing stress and anxiety for the students,
parents and teachers.
At the end of the 2011-12 school year, more than 150,000 high school freshmen failed STAAR exam. In order to graduate high school, one
must pass all 15 of the EOC (end-of-course) exams. If the student happens to fail an exam, there
are re-takes during the summer. If they
still cannot make up the course, they are not allowed to graduate. This puts a lot of pressure on these students!
I would like to encourage the Texas Legislature to allow
teachers to focus on teaching and students progressing in their learning rather
than just learning how to take standardized tests. By eliminating the STAAR exam, I believe
Texas could get back to a quality education for public school students.
I agree with you that spending $89 million dollars or more per year on these standardized tests is a little ridiculous. Especially with the new budget cuts in the education department, they could really use some extra money to improve both school facilities and curriculums. I'm not quite sure however if they can completely get rid of the idea of standardized testing. Even though I agree that these type of testing does not properly measure a student's ability or knowledge, it still provides some kind of measure to analyze the students' and schools' progress. It might not be the ideal way, but I'm afraid that as of now it might be the only practical way without getting even more expensive and complicating the process even more. Perhaps one way they could reduce the cost is to administer it online or at least digitally on the computer. This would at the very least relieve the cost of the scantron papers, which are expensive.
I strongly believe that laying off the much needed faculty and staff is not the way to go, especially when Texas is one of the lowest state with high school graduation rate. I agree that we should encourage the Texas Legislatures to allow teachers to focus on helping students interact and actually apply the information taught, instead of stressing so much over passing the STAAR exam.
Hi Katherine, I posted a reply to this entry here: http://28thstategov.blogspot.com/2012/08/re-standardized-testing-today.html.
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