Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Texting While Driving

             Vanessa Tamayo’s blog post “Distracted driving is blind driving ” is relevant and accurate. Texting while driving is incredibly dangerous!  My favorite line Vanessa wrote was that texting is “something that can wait.” Incorporating a no texting while driving law is just putting restrictions on when it is allowed; no text is ever as important as a life but unfortunately, according to Vanessa’s blog, 6,000 deaths from texting while driving happen annually.

              In addition, I believe if someone is riding a bicycle, they should follow the same rules as a vehicle; including not texting while on the road.  Changing songs on an iPod or media on any electric device is just as dangerous as texting because the driver does not have total focus on the road. Their attention is being divided between at least two different things. I think banning the use of electronics would help eliminate accidents having to do with distractions whether you’re riding a bike or driving a vehicle.

 Unfortunately, people will still continue to text while driving regardless of the law.  I have seen a public service commercial showing the dangerous and tragic results of texting while driving.  Public service announcements on the dangers of texting while driving could be shown at the TX Dept of Public Safety for people waiting in lines. The effects are serious and people should know why texting should never be done by the driver of a moving vehicle.


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