Friday, July 27, 2012

Texas Legislature: Are They Really Worth It?

I think the Legislative Branch of the Texas State and Local Government should give all state employees equal benefits no matter what job position they hold. When Texas law makers decide to make a law change that will negatively effect workers, it never seems to effect those in the legislature.  The legislature only works for 140 days in a 2 year period and receives a $7,200 yearly salary or $14,400 for 140 days of work. In addition to their general salary, the legislature is paid a per diem (an allowance for each day) of $150 daily. A little over a year ago, the Texas Ethics Commission required the legislature’s daily stipend amount for food, travel, etc. be lowered.  It was originally $168 daily.  Yes, the legislature did have a budget cut, but again, this was not by their choice.   I totally understand why someone in an official position would not suggest a lower rate for themselves however; if they are going to make changes that affect other state workers, it should apply to them too.  It is only what is honest and right.  There should not be special exceptions just because they are the ones in control.  If all suggested budget cuts applied to them as well, maybe they would take a different approach to each situation and really think about the effect that change would have on the state and government. Retirement packages are where Texas’ Legislature really hit it big.  For just 10 years of service, law makers receive $28,750 annually for the duration of their lives. What I really have a problem with is the legislature reducing other employees salaries or laying them off while it has no effect on them.  If all budget cuts affected the legislature, they might re-think them for what is best for the community and state.

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